Let's just admit it, selfies have changed our lives for the better. Gone are the days of begging strangers to take a picture of you. Who needs humans when we have selfies sticks, tripods, wide angle lens, front flash and more to capture the perfect image on our own.
Come to Vertical Joe's and show us your selfie skills!
Vertical Joe's has teamed up with Diddi Emah's Glo Firm (Ludacris, Beyonce, Phino) to turn The Professional Woman's Playground into a creators heaven. Come create content, take holiday card or birthday pictures all in one place.
We want you to grab your cute outfits and camera accessories to join us at The Selfie Lounge ATL. Here are 3 reasons to join the fun:
Take Photos To Time Release:
Take Thanksgiving, Xmas, Birthday Pictures all in one day!
2. Create videos for promos:
Selling a product? Knock out your photo content in multiple sets. Photograph models and ambassadors in multiple looks and sets all in one day.
3. Power Shoot:
Are selfies hard for you? Get your favorite photographer a ticket and come shoot multiple looks on our cool sets. The sets change so come again for fresh new looks!
The next selfie lounge is November 13th 1:30-3pm, Grab a Bud and join the fun!
Follow @selfieloungeatl @vjsselfielounge
Click here to join: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/175081392157
